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Computational Chemistry from Molecular Properties to Reactions: Learning-by-Doing

  • Начальный уровень
  • Наставник: Нет
  • Сертификат: Есть
  • Формат: Online
  • Рассрочка: Нет
  • Язык: Русский
  • Осталось мест: не ограничено

Computational Chemistry from Molecular Properties to Reactions: Learning-by-Doing

Организатор курса: СПбГУ

Dear learners, please note that only part of the materials is available for free viewing. All course materials will be available after certification payment.

Computational quantum chemistry is an important tool for studying chemical systems and reactions, and for the development of new materials and products.

We invite specialists and students in various fields of chemistry, physics, biology, materials science, and pharmacology to gain basic fundamental knowledge on the subject and skills on how to use computational quantum chemistry methods in their work.

Каких навыков вам не хватает?

Знания и навыки, которые приобретете
  • Application of quantum chemical methods for calculating various properties of molecular systems and modeling the mechanisms of chemical reactions
  • Use of widely available quantum chemistry software
  • Use of the Linux operating system
  • Writing  Bash and Python scripts to automate routine tasks

Инновационная система карьерного планирования