C# Starter (EN)

  • Начальный уровень
  • Наставник: Нет
  • Сертификат: Нет
  • Формат: Online
  • Рассрочка: Нет
  • Язык: Русский
  • Осталось мест: не ограничено

C# Starter (EN)

“C# Starter” course is a unique video course for Начальныйs which will allow you to start learning programming language C# without special preparation. All you need to successfully master this course is basic skills of working with a personal computer. You can learn modern programming language at home with the help of our video tutorials and educational materials with clear and understandable instructions from experienced trainers. After completing our video tutorials, you will not only get the basic skills, but also be able to continue to evolve as a .NET developer. Eventually you can develop a variety of applications, ranging from desktop applications to highly professional corporate websites and software products. If your goal is to be a professional programmer - this course is your first step.

Карьерная траектория на основе данных

Программа обучения
  • Introduction to C# language
  • Machine Mathematics And Numeral Systems
  • Variables And Data Types
  • Conditional Constructions
  • Logical Operations
  • Loop Constructions
  • Methods
  • Methods (Recursion)


  • Abdul Rashid

    С# Developer

Построй план своего карьерного развития